Spiritual Life
Overland Christian School integrates faith and learning.
Throughout the school year the following service and spiritual development activities punctuate the academic year.

Daily Bible Classes
OCS utilizes the curriculum by Bob Jones University Press in providing a comprehensive plan for discipleship.

Weekly Chapels
Once each week, students experience praise and worship and a Bible lesson from an on campus teacher or guest speaker.

Spiritual Emphasis Week
These daily, week-long chapels occur in October and February, allowing speakers to develop consistency and encourage spiritual revival. This is done for grades 7-12.

Community Service
Four times per year, students reach out to the community and provide help to faith-based organizations.

See You At the Pole
A special time of prayer with the student body at the flag poles, praying for our country and its leaders.
Spiritual Life
Our Mission
At Overland Christian Schools, our mission is to provide a strong educational foundation from a biblical perspective and to prepare young people for service as they pursue God’s will for their lives. It is our desire to educate the whole child: academically, emotionally, physically, and most importantly, spiritually.