
We're glad you're here!

One of the great responsibilities and privileges you will have as a parent will be to decide how your child is to be educated.

You are blessed to live in a free country where there are many options available to you. How will you decide? Will you simply defer to the local school district in your area? Will you educate at home for a time to ensure that a solid foundation of academics and faith are laid? In answering just these two questions you will want to know how these options align with the academic rigor and spiritual values of your home and family.

At Overland Christian Schools, we desire to help you with this decision! Our mission is to provide a strong educational foundation from a biblical perspective and to prepare young people for service as they pursue God’s will for their lives. We would love to talk with you about OCS, give you a tour, or let your child spend a day with us–or all three–to help you with this important decision.

We are here to serve you.  

Phil Gray II - Head of School
Phil Gray II - Head of School

About OCS

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Our Mission

At Overland Christian Schools, our mission is to provide a strong educational foundation from a biblical perspective and to prepare young people for service as they pursue God’s will for their lives.  It is our desire to educate the whole child: academically, emotionally, physically, and most importantly, spiritually.
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